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Tori Communications

Headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. Tori is a results-focused, modern digital marketing & public relations agency that creates customized and dynamic public relations campaigns for consumer-facing and business-to-business brands. With Tori, your story isn’t complete without our services:

a. Media Aces
Media & Influencer Relations

b. Storytellers
Content Strategy and Writing: websites, blogs, products.

c. Ideators:
Compelling Campaigns and Strategies

d. Locals
Community Relations and Partnerships

e. Creative Strategists
Branding and Positioning

f. Marketing Communicators
Event Promotions

We envision a world with effective and essential PR services, creative services and broadcast services.

Our sublime process, creative structure puts our clients in an aheadship position that speaks vantage above all.

The industry in Nigeria, vis-a-vis Africa is awakened already to the global stage and every player must prove her stand. This is where we stand out, educating, entertainting and building our society through confirmed publicity, content creation and content delivery that improves lives, systems and structures.

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